Serving Male Survivors of Human Trafficking
January 16, 2024 @ 10:30AM — 12:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Join us for the second part of our Human Trafficking Awareness Training Series as we delve into the critical topic of "Serving Male Survivors of Human Trafficking." In this session, we'll address the unique challenges males face in identifying as survivors and accessing essential services. Renowned expert and survivor Harold D'Souza will team up with Carrie Rapp from Greater Cleveland’s Coordinated Response to Human Trafficking Member Organization, Gracehaven, for this learning opportunity. Harold will share his personal experiences with labor trafficking, providing valuable insights into the often-overlooked issue of male victimization. Carrie will shed light on Gracehaven’s effective strategies in supporting male survivors of minor sex trafficking. Join us to gain firsthand knowledge, break down barriers, and contribute to a more inclusive and informed approach in combating human trafficking.